At EDHEC, Michel developed a hands on course to explain how the blockchain works; then the school's first cross MSc course aiming at increasing the understanding of all MSc students about the challenges of Artificial Intelligence, using an experiencial research approach. This lead to an invitation to speak at the 9th Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Security and Defense in Security and Defense in Beirut on the topic "Business Schools Need to Teach AI Leadership… Why and What?". Then, he pursued the exploration of digital transformatiopn challenges with Vekia and developed the 4 D framework to analyze governance and culture changes required to deliver successful digital transformation, presenting "Implementing Digital Transformation: Leadership beyond the technology" at ICTO (Information and Communication Technologies in Organizations and Society) 2019 5th International Conference “The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Business and Society”, a conference he organized at EDHEC with his colleague Antoine Harfouche.
This research opened the doors to a collaboration with the "Cité de l'IA" an initiative from MEDEF, the association of enterprises of France. The output was a position paper Livre Blanc 2021 - Intelligence Artificielle Hauts de France, a collaborative effort to identify and promote best practices to implement IA in small and medium firms. Michel Philippart contributed to the second section, "From Idea to Implementation", page 84 and folowing.
The paper derived from this research was accepted and published as Success Factors to Deliver Organizational Digital Transformation: A Framework for Transformation Leadership", in the Journal of Global Information Management, volume 30, issue 8, June 2022.. The 4D framework presented earlier guided the analysis of governance and culture changes to improve the likelyhood of success of large digital transformation initiatives.